Meet the Crew: Branden

Branden got his start with Beyond Boundaries as a participant. A self-described fishing lover, he brought smiles to everyone’s face when he caught an impressive largemouth bass on one of his first few fishing trips and shared a loving call with his grandfather to show off his catch. Branden’s positive attitude, great presence and willingness to try hard at everything he does impressed our team so much that we recently brought him on board as our new Community Events Facilitator.

1. What do you go by? Branden.

2. What are your pronouns? He/Him.

3. How old are you? 19

4. Where do you want to go to college? I’d like to go to VCU.

5. Where did you grow up?  I grew up in Henrico County.

6. Favorite outdoor activity? My favorite outdoor activity is riding my bike.

7. What's your guilty pleasure? Listening to ASMRs.

8. Favorite type of BB trip? My favorite trip is definitely fishing.

9. Favorite band? I love Crash Adams.

10. Favorite food? French Fries!

11. How did you get involved with BB? I became involved with Beyond Boundaries through Jacob’s Chance.

12. Why does BB's mission resonate with you? No matter your limitations you can always have an adventure.

13. Fun fact about yourself? I love to cook.

14. What does adventure mean to you? It means getting outside your comfort zone and having an experience you normally wouldn’t.

15. Favorite animal? My favorite animals are wolves.

16. Favorite place you've traveled to? My favorite place I’ve traveled to is Virginia Beach.


Program Spotlight: Adaptive Climbing + Climb Club


Living Our Values: A.C.E.