Meet the Crew: Travis

Welcome to our meet the crew series! We’ve been expanding a lot over the past couple of months and wanted to take some time to introduce ourselves again. This blog series will be a quick introduction to all of the faces you’ll see at our events, trips, and around the Beyond Boundaries office.

Travis is our Program Manager in Roanoke. As we’ve been expanding this year, we’ve been super excited to be able to start offering programming in places outside of the greater Richmond region. Travis is spearheading our Roanoke operations. He’s an experienced climber, paddler, and outdoor enthusiast and we’re super excited to have him lead trips the season and beyond!

1. What do you go by?

Travis W Overstreet II

2. What are your pronouns?


3. How old are you?


4. Where did you go to college?


5. Where did you grow up? What was a favorite thing about that place?

I grew up in Bedford, Virginia. I love the mountains & the country. 

6. Favorite outdoor activity?

Climbing, paddling & camping.

7. What's your guilty pleasure?

Oreos .

8. Favorite type of BB trip?

Love them all but I’m partial to the Veteran events. 

9. Favorite band?

Tossup between Led Zeppelin and ZZ Top.

10. Favorite food?

Lasagna for sure.

11. How did you get involved with BB?

Through our canoe club we have been raising money with Boats and Brews to help Beyond Boundaries. That’s when I met Shep. He was instrumental in my first program on Veterans Day. We started talking about the future with Roanoke being an extension of BB. Here we are trying to change lives. 

12. Why does BB's mission resonate with you?

Adventure truly is for everyone & that speaks to the core of who I am. I’ve always loved sharing my love of the outdoors with others which is exactly what BB does for others. 

13. Fun fact about yourself?

Married since 2005 with 2 awesome kids. Marine, Eagle Scout, co owner of Roanoke Outfitting and Adventures & team paddler for Silverbirch Canoes.

14. What does adventure mean to you?

Adventure can be found anywhere as long as you’re willing to open your heart & see the beauty all around. 

15. Favorite animal?

My pooches for sure.

16. Favorite place you've traveled?

Definitely Scotland… far that is.


Meet the Crew: Kyle


Meet the Crew: Katie